Holiday Island Community Church
Holiday Island Community Church





 A. The name of this organization is the Holiday Island Community Church. It is not affiliated with any other religious denomination. The Congregation is its ultimate governing body. It is a Domestic Non-profit Corporation as manifested by a Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Secretary of the State of Arkansas and dated May 24, 1993. All property real and otherwise is owned by the Congregation.
The Holiday Island Community Church is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section (501a) and (501c) of the IRS Code. The Federal Employer Identification No. (EIN) is 71-0736325.
 B. The agent for service of the corporation shall be the elected Chairperson of the Administrative Council.
 C. The duration of this corporation shall be perpetual.


We believe the Bible is the Word of God and accept it as our rule of faith and conduct.
We believe God is the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
We believe Jesus Christ was in the beginning with the Father, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us, the only-begotten Son of the Father.
We believe the Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is to be worshipped as God.
We believe Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary; proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom of God and through His perfect life showed Himself to be the Spotless Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world; was crucified, dead, buried and resurrected; ascended to the right hand of God the Father Almighty and is coming to earth again to judge the living and the dead
We believe Jesus Christ called the Church into being and is the Savior, Lord and Head of the Church, which is the Body of Christ and the present day herald of the Kingdom of God.
We believe Jesus Christ died for all and that our ministry is to call all to faith, baptism and public confession of Christ.
We believe Christians should affiliate with one of the Lord’s local churches and give themselves in the service of Jesus Christ, led by the Holy Spirit.
We minister as a non-denominational Church, yet we love and learn from all the Lord’s churches.


The objective of the Holiday Island Community Church is to provide opportunities for Christian worship, study and service. The mission of Holiday Island Community Church will be to provide inspirational and educational worship services. Elements of worship include prayers, ritual and music that are familiar and meaningful to an ecumenical congregation. The Holiday Island Community Church will welcome all who seek to share in the life of this church and who will honor and celebrate the sacraments of communion and baptism. Our membership vows are Christian, including belief in Jesus Christ as Savior, belief in the Bible as the Word of God, and pledged loyalty to the Church.


 A. One may become a member/associate member of the Holiday Island Community Church by one of the following methods:
  1. Transfer of membership from a former church affiliation (former pastor or church secretary shall be notified of this transfer).
  2. Re-affirmations of faith for those persons previously baptized but without church affiliation.
  3. Profession of faith with arrangements for baptism according to the method desired by the individual.
  4. Associate membership shall be granted to those persons who wish to join this church but yet retain membership in another church.
 B. Termination of Membership
  1. Termination of membership may occur in the following ways:
   a).transfer of membership upon request, in writing
   b). notification from another church requesting transfer on behalf of the member
   c). withdrawal from church upon members written request
   d). failure to participate in the life of the church by attendance and/or financial support for one year
   e). have moved, and no longer reside in the area, and do not contribute in any way to the life of the church


 A. All members/associate members of the Holiday Island Community Church who have reached eighteen (18) years of age shall have full voting privileges.
 B. Voting shall be by secret ballot.
 C. Votes may be cast in person at any congregational meeting or by absentee ballot.
 D. Voting by absentee ballot shall take place within two (2) weeks prior to the regular or special congregational meeting.
 E. Voting at any regular or called meeting of the Church shall require a simple majority vote, with the exception of calling of a minister which shall require an eighty percent (80%) majority.


 A. Authority
  1. The ultimate governing authority shall be the congregation of the Holiday Island Community Church.
  2. Said authority for the functioning of the church shall be delegated to representatives elected by the congregation to serve on the Administrative Council.
 B. Administrative Council
  1. The Administrative Council shall administer all matters pertaining to the function of the church as outlined in the By-Laws.
  2. Voting privileges shall be assigned only to elected members of the Administrative Council.
  3. All persons serving in elected positions on the Administrative Council shall be members/associate members of the church.
 C. Worship Council
  1. Worship Council shall have responsibility for all matters pertaining to the spiritual life of the Holiday Island Community Church as outlined in the By-Laws.
  2. The pastor, selected by vote of the membership, shall serve as leader of the Worship Council.
  3. The minister shall serve as ad-hoc member of the Administrative Council.


 A. This Constitution may be amended by a simple majority of the members of the Congregation present and voting at any Annual Meeting of the Congregation, or at a Special Called Congregational Meeting, provided that written notice explaining the recommended change(s) will have been presented to the Congregation at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting. Written notice shall be understood as in the Sunday Worship Program, the Gold Sheet, or other forms of written correspondence.


ARTICLE VII: Implementation of this Constitution
 A. This Constitution shall become effective on January 1, 2006.
 B. Elected members of the existing Administrative Council at the time of the adoption of this Constitution may each serve the remainder of his/her term.
ARTICLE VIII: Implementation of this Constitution
 A. This Amended Constitution shall become effective on January 15, 2017.
The above Amended Constitution was approved by the congregation on January 15, 2017.


Holiday Island Community Church
188 Stateline Drive
PO Box 3055
Holiday Island, Arkansas 72631


Phone: 479-253-8200